Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières


Description of the entity:

BRGM, France’s leading public institution in the Earth Science field, has three main activities: scientific research, support for government policy, and international cooperation and development assistance. BRGM has been among the pioneers in research on CO2 geological storage, participating from 1993 in the first European research project (Joule II) and in the first pilots worldwide (Sleipner, Weyburn, In Salah, Nagaoka, Ketzin, Lacq-Rousse, Hontomín, etc.). BRGM is also carrying out research activities at natural CO2 fields, such as Montmiral in France, and at natural CO2 seepage areas in Italy, Germany and France. Its fields of expertise are site selection and characterisation, predictive modelling, risk analysis, monitoring and safety management, thus addressing a wide range of the issues related to CO2 geological storage. BRGM was strongly involved in the tentatives to set up a demonstration project for CO2 storage in France (Ademe France Nord and TGR BF). BRGM has been manager of the CO2GeoNet European Network of Excellence on the geological storage of CO2, initiated in 2004 through an EC FP6 contract, now a legally registered Association under French law. BRGM was President of the CO2GeoNet Association from 2011 to March 2015. Recently, BRGM was the coordinator of the FP7 CGS Europe project (2010-2013), a Pan-European Coordination Action on CO2 Geological Storage involving 34 research institutes over 28 countries, including the CO2GeoNet Association. BRGM is currently coordinating the FP7 ULTimate CO2 project (2011-2015) dedicated to the understanding of the long term fate of geologically stored CO2 and is involved in the ECCSEL H2020 INFRADEV-3 project on CCS Research Infrastructure that will start mid 2015 after two ECCSEL Preparatory Projects Phase I and Phase II carried out in FP7. BRGM is also a member of ZEP, EERA CCS, French Club CO2 and is representing France in CSLF and ISO TC265 on CCS.


Contribution to the Work Plan and expertise brought to ENOS:

BRGM will coordinate the proposal and therefore be in charge of the WP management. BRGM will also coordinate the WP2 ensuring storage capacities and cost-efficient characterization. Given its wide expertise, BRGM will be involved in a wide range of activities in ENOS.
On the technical level, BRGM contribution will consist mainly in:

  • Validation of monitoring techniques at Hontomin (WP1)
  • Integration of monitoring measurements (WP1)
  • Development of methodologies for assessing reliability of capacity estimates (WP2)
  • Validation of smart characterization methodologies (WP2)
  • Validation of groundwater monitoring and of downhole gas sensor using fiber optics (WP3)

BRGM will strongly participate to the dissemination and innovation development, the preparation of best practices (WP7), the international collaboration (task leader) and training (WP8)



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3 Avenue Claude Guillemin, 45100 Orléans, France,