Geological Survey of Belgium - Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences


Description of the entity:

The Geological Survey of Belgium (GSB), department of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), is a geo-scientific documentation centre and is a central player in national and international research and development projects. The GeoEnergy group of the Geological Survey of Belgium originated with the exploration campaigns for coal in the Flanders and the Walloon region. The expertise was extended with projects including exploration for hydrocarbons, geothermal energy, heat-cold storage, subsoil gasification of coal, storage of natural gas and reutilizing mining infrastructure. From 2000 on, research is performed on the possibilities of geological storage of CO2 for national and international projects. This includes coordination of the PSS-CCS projects (Policy Support System for Carbon Capture and Storage; Piessens et al., 2009; Piessens et al., 2012), which were the national umbrella projects on CCS in Belgium, and participation in several other international CCS related projects. The GSB is member of the CO2GeoNet network of excellence, the European Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants, the EuroGeoSurveys expert group on CO2 geological storage, and the European
Federation on Geologists expert panel on geological storage of CO2.


Contribution to the Work Plan and expertise brought to ENOS:

The GSB-RBINS will contribute mainly to WP4, more precisely on task 4.3, where it will use its expertise on geotechno-economic assessments of projects with a high geological uncertainty to make a detailed assessment of the two detail case studies (buffer and EOR) to determine their economic value, serving as basis for the further evaluation of socio-economic benefits of integrated CO2 storage projects.

CO2GeoNet – GSB-RBINS will be involved in:

WP4. Integration of CO2 storage with local economic activities (Leader of Task 4.3 Evaluation of impacts on the

WP7 Spreading innovation for Research integration and Best practices


Visit Website

Rue Vautier 29, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium, Bruxelles