8-9 MAY 2017, S.Servolo island, Venice

ENOS consortium is happy to invite all stakeholder to the CO2GeoNet OpenForum, which will be held on San Servolo Island in Venice, Italy, from 8 to 9 May 2017.

The Open Forum will be followed on 10 and 11 May 2017 by a number of focused scientific workshops

The event, now in its 12th year, has become a “must-attend” event for stakeholders, including EU representatives, industry, regulators, public authorities, NGOs, and the research community, and gives a unique opportunity to meet and interact directly with Europe’s largest group of researchers on CO2 geological storage.

The 12th CO2GeoNet Open Forum will focus on driving CCS towards implementation and the role CO2 storage will play in hitting crucial low carbon targets. 

Topics to be addressed include:

  • international perspectives on the impact of the Conference of the Parties
  • integrating CCS into the industrial sector
  • new opportunities for combined utilisation and storage of CO2
  • integrating CCS with energy technologies
  • results from the latest projects and practical demonstrations of CCS.

The CO2GeoNet Association draws together key research institutes with CO2 storage research expertise and membership now comprises 26 institutes from 19 European countries.

For more information and registration please visit the conference website at: http://conference2017.co2geonet.com/